Top 10 Terraform Commands for Cloud Deployment

Are you tired of manually deploying your cloud infrastructure? Do you want to automate your deployment process and save time? Look no further than Terraform! Terraform is an open-source tool that allows you to declaratively define your infrastructure as code and deploy it to the cloud with ease. In this article, we will explore the top 10 Terraform commands for cloud deployment.

1. terraform init

The first command you need to know is terraform init. This command initializes a new or existing Terraform working directory. It downloads the necessary provider plugins and sets up the backend for storing the state file. The state file is a record of the current state of your infrastructure. It is used to track changes and manage resources.

2. terraform plan

The terraform plan command is used to create an execution plan. It shows you what Terraform will do when you apply your configuration. It is a dry run of your deployment. It checks your configuration for syntax errors, missing dependencies, and other issues. It also shows you the changes that will be made to your infrastructure.

3. terraform apply

The terraform apply command is used to apply your configuration to the cloud. It creates, modifies, or deletes resources as necessary. It uses the execution plan created by the terraform plan command. It prompts you to confirm the changes before applying them. This command is the heart of Terraform. It is what makes your infrastructure come to life.

4. terraform destroy

The terraform destroy command is used to destroy your infrastructure. It deletes all the resources created by your configuration. It is a powerful command, so use it with caution. It prompts you to confirm the destruction before proceeding. This command is useful for testing and cleaning up after your deployment.

5. terraform validate

The terraform validate command is used to validate your configuration. It checks your configuration for syntax errors, missing dependencies, and other issues. It is a quick way to catch errors before deploying your infrastructure. It is also useful for enforcing coding standards and best practices.

6. terraform state

The terraform state command is used to manage the state file. It allows you to view, modify, and delete resources in the state file. It is useful for troubleshooting and recovering from errors. It is also useful for managing resources that were not created by Terraform.

7. terraform output

The terraform output command is used to display the output values of your configuration. Output values are variables that are computed by your configuration. They can be used to pass information between resources or to the user. This command is useful for debugging and testing your configuration.

8. terraform import

The terraform import command is used to import existing resources into your configuration. It allows you to manage resources that were not created by Terraform. It is useful for migrating existing infrastructure to Terraform. It requires knowledge of the resource's identifier and its attributes.

9. terraform refresh

The terraform refresh command is used to update the state file with the current state of your infrastructure. It is useful for recovering from errors and managing resources that were not created by Terraform. It is also useful for updating the state file after making changes outside of Terraform.

10. terraform taint

The terraform taint command is used to mark a resource as tainted. A tainted resource will be destroyed and recreated on the next terraform apply. It is useful for forcing a resource to be recreated. It is also useful for testing and debugging your configuration.


Terraform is a powerful tool for automating your cloud deployment. These top 10 Terraform commands will help you get started with Terraform and manage your infrastructure with ease. Remember to use them with caution and always test your configuration before deploying to production. Happy deploying!

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